Apply part time jobs from home

 Are you looking for work from home job? Then you are at right place we are a third party agency different types of jobs by taking contract from companies and agencies. Those who want to join our agency can kindly contact us +91 7209831889. 

Name : Pramod Kumar
Call +91 7209831889
+91 7050599189
Office time - 09 : 00 am to 05:00 pm

Below are some of the jobs which are available kindly choose according to your requirement and then contact us: 

Data entry job: We have only online data entry work so if you have a smartphone or laptop then you can contact us in data entry we will provide you all the process of doing the work and then you will do the same as we have instructed you. 

Online registration job: We will provide you few website where you have to register yourself and provide us the detail about the registration and then we will provide you for the information about how to make process on that website. 

Content writing job: We provide different types of article and content to IT company and if you are expert in any languages then you can contact us we will provide you content writing job and it is one of the safest jobs and can be done from anywhere. Even you can write content in your smartphone and send it to WhatsApp. +91 7209831889

For more information about job you can visit our website or you can also contact us we are available in between 9:00 to 5:00 

How to apply part time job

To apply part time job you need basic skill like  typing, command in either English and Hindi language. 


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