genuine email sending job
Genuine email sending job
Here you will get a very genuine email sending job which you can asboth your part time as well as your full time job it can be as both If
you do not want to do this work for your whole and you want to do
something else also this is the where you can do this job if you
already are doing a Full time but you are in search of part time it is
the best job for you. As so many people are in search of part time job
so many sites are there which are fake they will can cheat you first
they will give surety about the job like sharing of some documents but
it can also be fake they will ask you registration fees or to do some
investment but later they do not give you any job and your all money
go waste they a lot scam like this you have to be alert from these
type of jobs they can be very harmful to you as they can also have
access to your account also and can take all your money you have to
keep yourself safe from these types of scam if you are not sure about
the job it's better to not invest in that job. But it is a well
approved and genuine site where you will get genuine work you do not
have to do anything you just have to mail some emails this is a very
easy job you can easily do this job you will get 200 emails for a day
and in return you will get 6 rupees for each email means your daily
income will be 1200 while your monthly salary will be 36000 it is a
very good amount you can easily credit this amount through paytm or
account transfer.
Internet Marketing Jobs For Fresher/Working Tourism Company
Anand Kumar
0-5 YrsNot disclosedBhopal, Mumbai, Patna
We are require candidates for online part time And full time promotion work in tourism ...
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Vidyaam Skills Technology Services Pvt Ltd4.
0-5 YrsNot disclosedShimla, Itanagar, Guwahati, Ranchi, Ahmedabad, Patna, Amritsar, Panjim, Raipur
Good Communication Skill Freshers / Experienced both can apply Freelancers
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